A life of meaning

The secrets of creating depth and purpose in your life.


Finding purpose, meaning, and a deep sense of joy is a wisdom that eludes many.

It can seem as if there is some kind of a secret key to making it all make sense and feeling like we have a place in the unfolding of our own lives when we live in a fast paced and often superficial world.

But is is actually easier than we might think.

A life of meaning is designed to connect us to the tools and wisdom that helps this part of our life open up.




In this course you will:

  • Know key elements for creating more meaning and purpose in your life.
  • Understand why you lose touch with what is important to you and how to stop it from happening.
  • Feel more empowered and aware of what you want.
  • Connect more fully to what is possible in your life.


Module 1 | It starts with you.

Connecting with your essence/core.

Module 2 | Knowing what matters.

Priorities from the heart.

Module 3 | Harnessing Choice

Where you put your intention grows.

Module 4 |It is all relationship.

How do you strengthen and nourish relationship?

This is for you if:

  • You crave a deeper sense of meaning in any or all aspects of your life.
  • You desire to live the best version of who you can be.
  • You want to know what a sense of deep purpose really is and how to create it for yourself.
  • You are ready to feel more at choice and capable in creating each moment of your life.

Connect to the tools and wisdom that create a more meaningful, fulfilling, and connected life to blossom.

Connect to the tools and wisdom that create a more meaningful, fulfilling, and connected life to blossom.



Heléna Kate Phd

Kate Siner Ph.D is a lifelong student of healing, born with strong intuition, a love of adventure, and a deeply caring nature. She started reading her first books on psychology and spirituality at fifteen years old. Since then, Kate has dedicated her life to understanding the human experience and how she can best help others to live the truth of who they are.

Kate has used  her diverse knowledge, advanced skill set, and expertise in myriad healing modalities to help seekers around the world  to transform their limitations, see their greatness, and step into the full expression of their being. As a result her students  and mentees are often inspired to share the healing they received with those who need it. As a result, Kate supports healers, practitioners, and other helpers in the fields of spiritual development and personal transformation to develop their skills and become who they need to be follow their calling as well as leaders in all fields to have a greater impact because of their expanded spiritual capacity an overall well-being.


Heléna Kate PhD

Kate Siner Ph.D is a lifelong student of healing, born with strong intuition, a love of adventure, and a deeply caring nature. She started reading her first books on psychology and spirituality at fifteen years old. Since then, Kate has dedicated her life to understanding the human experience and how she can best help others to live the truth of who they are. 

Kate has used  her diverse knowledge, advanced skill set, and expertise in myriad healing modalities to help seekers around the world  to transform their limitations, see their greatness, and step into the full expression of their being. As a result her students  and mentees are often inspired to share the healing they received with those who need it. As a result, Kate supports healers, practitioners, and other helpers in the fields of spiritual development and personal transformation to develop their skills and become who they need to be follow their calling as well as leaders in all fields to have a greater impact because of their expanded spiritual capacity an overall well-being.



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