One way or another you have “woken up” and you are interested in bringing more light, wellbeing, healing, and support to the world. 

You have had your experiences, studied some things (or a lot of things) -some, perhaps, devotedly, some, perhaps, only with curiosity. 

You may even already be offering your services to the world as a therapist, coach or other practitioner but somehow you still feel like there is something missing.

You know that there is more and want to go deeper. It might seem like what you have learned is more of an idea than an actual lived reality. 

Or maybe, your desire for a passionate, purposeful life and livelihood lives as a song in your heart and you are wondering what is needed to bring it out to the world in the way you know is possible.

Either way – You want to be of service in a more complete and aligned way.

You want to live your spiritual connection in all aspects of your life. 

Despite your strong intent to offer your gifts and be of service, you might have noticed that real guidance and direction is hard to find -messages are mixed and confusing, everybody is selling something, many things simply do not resonate, or so many things seem interesting but just seem to lead you in circles. You learn more and more but are you really that much closer to your calling?

You might wonder, how do I get past the static to step into my true knowing as spiritual leader, guide, or practitioner?

This is possible and in some ways quite simple but in order to create it we need to learn what is getting in our way and what REALLY helps us in this regard. 

This is what my Spirit Led program is all about. Helping you connect more fully and live and work from this place of deep spiritual connection, devotion, and aligned purpose.

You can live your purpose in true connection with the divine. You can live passionately and deeply fulfilled

You can live your purpose in true connection with the divine. You can live passionately and deeply fulfilled


  • Spiritual Seekers looking for more depth.
  • Practitioners of all healing methods (coaches, therapists, bodyworkers) who want to strengthen their understanding of healing and deepen their spiritual connection.
  • People who are tired of mass-marketed spiritual superficiality.
  • People who want to know what faith and devotion really mean.
  • People aspiring to be of greater service.

A little about me:

 I have dedicated my life to spiritual study and what creates healing. I would not have said this when I started out. What I mean is that I did not start out saying I am studying spirituality or healing. I just followed what was calling me. Almost 3 decades later I have learned a lot. I continue to learn a lot. But following this inner voice was one of the first significant lessons.

After my initial hopeful brushes with “solutions” I started to become a student of what worked, why, and when it didn’t. I studied so many methods and so many practices. I became skillful I assessing what was wrong and building pathways towards something different. I became knowledgeable about what is at the root of what works and how to amplify these effects. I found ways to develop this all into ways of working with others.

While all of this came with significant learning what started to happen is that I began to notice the deep flaws and significant problems in the way that we approach spirituality and personal development. These flaws stop people from having wellbeing and diminish their ability to be of service and support others. 

Seeing these flaws broke my heart a bit but it also inspired me to create alternatives so that we can realize the truth that lives in our hearts and create a better world for everyone. And so this is what I do. I help people reconnect with their humanity and spiritual roots so that they can heal themselves and ultimately others. 

I turn this knowing into ways to strengthen practices, practitioners, align livelihood and help people understand what it means to live on purpose. 

I am committed to this beyond reason and this program is part of my overall mission to awaken the heart of humanity and support our reconnection and healing. 

Can it take you all the way there in 3 months? No, it can’t. And I am not here to pretend that real solutions do not take work. 

This is a life long journey.

But it can clear the clutter, deepen your connection and get you moving in the right direction so that all of your future efforts are that much stronger and fulfilling. I can show you how small shifts can be game changers and how sincerity and authenticity can liberate your soul and help your spirit express.

People who have worked with me in the past say it has changed their life:


"I would recommend this program to anyone looking to go deeper on their spiritual path or any type of service to spirit. Absolutely no regrets and I would do it all again. Kate is the real deal and I don’t know anyone like her."

-Lilli Rose

"I no longer wake up and try to be spiritual by doing some “morning ritual- proven 3-step method”….I wake up, a sovereign spiritual being, and begin naturally connecting to my heart and following what I desire. And to me, this is the greatest journey of self love and self trust. This has impacted everything I do in my life, relationships and my business. (read more)

“Prior to working with Kate, I found myself addicted to the suffering experienced in what I thought was a spiritual lifestyle. Where my motivation came from observing what others are doing more of or better than in the world of spiritual practice and personal development, and being sad with envy, wondering if I’m capable or even worthy of that life.

And it goes deeper into my humanness- wanting so badly for there to be this linear way to be fulfilled and feel empowered in my spirituality “if I do this then I get this”.   

Through Kate’s  program and devotional ceremonies, and healing sessions, I was called to surrender to my truth and awaken to my heart through self-initiation.  Which sounds so sparkly and magical, and it can be, but mostly  it’s actually more earthy and grounded for me, which I really need. 

 It feels stable. And embodied. 

I no longer wake up and try to be spiritual by doing some “morning ritual- proven 3-step method”….I wake up, a sovereign spiritual being, and begin naturally connecting to my heart and following what I desire. Which just so happens to be a mix of some of the practices I used to force into a systemized discipline. But this is a process that needs to be explored and integrated, and preferably with a group of people… because there’s so much healing when you come together.  

It’s an ongoing practice to come back to my truth and remember that is where I find spirit.. and then the practices follow. And to me, this is the greatest journey of self love and self trust. This has impacted everything I do in my life, relationships and my business.  I’m so thankful for this journey and what’s to come! 

If this brought you goose bumps, butterflies or sparked something in your heart – I hope you follow that nudge and reach out to Kates team for more information on what program would be best for you to get started! Sending you so much love  – bye for now. -Jess “


Class 1: Why it is not Working

There are missing pieces and misinformation that make it challenging to. We will explore these missing pieces.

Class 2: Stop Developing Yourself - Start becoming

The self-help and spiritual development industry has us chasing our tails. Learn how to stop the merry-go-round and get on track.

Class 3: Making it Real (Part 1)

Simple but revelatory orientations to spiritual practice and understanding will change your experience and help be of greater service and have more fulfillment.

Class 4: Making it Real (Part 2)

Tools you can use each day to strengthen your spiritual practice and create an understanding that helps you navigate regardless of where you are on your path.

Class 5: Trust yourself more

Tips for understanding and working with your ego -under and overconfidence and doing your way from your authentic self.

Class 6: Overcoming the Imposter

Remedies for self-doubt and ways to stay on track.

Class 7: Cultivating the Inner Warrior

You can and should do it your way. How to be of authentic service.

Class 8: Don’t forget Passion, Love and Beauty

 Expressing your spiritual nature in all dimensions of your life.

Class 9: Walking the Walk

Next steps and how to keep it all going.


  • Live your purpose founded on a deep connection with the divine
  • Feel more passionate, spiritual, and fulfilled in Life and Work
  • Take your life from good to great, from spiritually inspired to spiritually embodied.
  • Deepen your spiritual connection
  • Create life and work that is spiritually aligned
  • Be of greater service and more an impact
  • Increase your healing capacity
  • Increased confidence and success in your unique practitionership/healership


“Before I started working with Kate, I felt unfulfilled and unable to create the life I believed was possible.  It’s helping me change my life to be exactly what I want.”

Rachel Fields

“Through Kate’s presence, compassion, skillful and gifted work I have learned to value my core qualities and let go of patters of belief that hold me back. Most significantly,I have an increased ability to be a compassionate observer when feeling uncomfortable feelings, I can identify and acknowledge when I am being my empowered self, and I have an increased ability to communicate honestly and authentically.”


“Dr Kate, she is the fire alchemist who takes the raw stuff of your gold and burns away what is in your way leaving you with the most refined and purest essence of what is in you. She is committed to all of us being all of who we are capable of being and even if it means standing in the fire with you, she will hold you to who you say you are and what you say you want. If it is your time, help her mine your gold and fire you up.”

Alisa Starkweather

Co-founder of Women in Power; Initiating Ourselves to the Predator Within

“Thank You for helping me get into the driver’s seat in my life” 

Karin Green

Shadow Work

“I would recommend this program to anyone looking to go deeper on their spiritual path or any type of service to spirit. Absolutely no regrets and I would do it all again. Kate is the real deal and I don’t know anyone like her.”

Lilli Rose

“Since working with Dr. Kate, I have deepened my impact, tripled my profit and aligned with my life’s purpose.”

Emily Volden

Licensed Social Worker and ADHD Specialist



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